If this sells I'd pick up a topper and carrying bag for the barrington and life's good. If not, I move it and don't get the brownie points with the wife lol. In a perfect world, this is gone by next Friday and if there's Georgia boys that are interested we can get rid of it. Very sturdy and comfortable, rail feels great, if I had a set house/place there's 0% chance I'm selling it but the next few years will be bouncing around and I'm worried I won't get the use out of it, rather go somewhere and get used. I think its worth more but this is very close to my price, and I'd love if it went to someone using it. Its unwieldy and tough to move but I've got lots of interest in it. Rail feels great, felt is awesome.Įdit to add: this is priced to sell. Can't justify setting this monster up in our new small place, it fits 10 people just fine (obviously gets a little elbowy around the edges) but usually play 8 or 9 and have tons of room. Picked it up from North Georgia and have used it 8 or 9 times, absolutely loved it but we're moving and I picked up one of the cheap Wayfair tables. Hey y'all, considering selling this gorgeous poker table. Small window in mid June (19th or so) to pickup in Athens, Id prefer to sell it there and would give a little discount. Let me know if some of y'all coastal elites are interested.
*Changing location to Savannah! This table will still be available but in the hostess city of the South.